Getting Started with Genealogy
There are many web sites, blogs, books, and articles that can help you get started learning more about your family history. One example is
How to Start Your Genealogy Research. As you gather information, you may want to build a family tree online or with a genealogy software program. But first, it may be helpful to use the following charts to pull together what you know. Start with yourself and work backward in time.

The MGS webinar
Finding Your Roots: Genealogy Workshop offers an introduction to genealogy with an emphasis on Maryland research. Produced in partnership with Maryland Public Television, this 70 minute webinar covers getting started in genealogy, online genealogy, African American research, and DNA testing for genealogy.
Using the links below, you can watch each segment of the workshop separately or the entire workshop (which includes introductory remarks and a short question and answer period). Links to the session handouts are also available to learn more about the presenters - Alexa Corcoran, David Powell, John Siemon, and Robyn Smith - please see their
biographical sketches.
We encourage you to share this link with family and friends who may be interested in delving into their family history.
Getting Started in Genealogy
Presenter: John Siemon (abt. 12 minutes)
Researching Your Family Tree: On-Line Genealogy Web Sites
Presenter: David Powell (abt. 12 minutes)
African-American Research in Maryland
Presenter: Robyn Smith (abt. 12 minutes)
Presenter: Alexa Corcoran (abt. 17 minutes)
Complete MGS/MPT Workshop
(abt. 1 hour & 10 minutes)