Maryland Genealogy Research Guidance

While it is important to apply general principles of sound genealogical investigation wherever you might be researching, understanding the unique aspects of the geographic place in question is also critical. For information on Maryland’s history, records, repositories, and source materials, we recommend consulting the following guides.
The Maryland State Archives is Maryland's principal repository for state and county historic records. In addition to detailed information on its holdings, the Archives' Web site includes several helpful research guides, including:
Other sites that provide a wealth of information on Maryland records and genealogical research include:
- Maryland Center for History and Culture. The Guide to Genealogical Research provides information on genealogical research in Maryland and the resources available in the Society's library.
- Research Wiki. The Maryland page also has links to pages for each of Maryland's counties.
- Cyndi's List. This categorized and cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the Internet includes a Maryland page with 32 subcategories of links.
- For a list of printed guides to genealogical research in Maryland and its counties, click here.
Guidance from MGS on
finding Maryland death certifcates online is available
here. Information on
locating Maryland birth certificates online is available