MGS Photo Vault

The MGS Photo Vault contains portraits of 19
th- and early 20
th-century Marylanders, as well as a few images of buildings from the period. The photographs were taken by Maryland photographers or otherwise have been identified as depicting Maryland subjects.
Most of the photographs are from the collection of Gary B. Ruppert, an MGS Board Member and past-President who was named a Fellow of the Maryland Genealogical Society in 2009. He was an avid collector of early photographs, particularly of Baltimoreans. He posted a number of these on his web site,
Baltimore City Nineteenth-Century Photos. Upon his death in 2017, his heirs graciously donated his collection of photographs and genealogical materials to MGS.
Fortunately, a sizable number of the photographs are labeled. (The one to the right is identified as Nicholas and Charity Luella Nelson.) For photos labeled on the back, a scan of the back is also provided. The identity of people in the unlabeled images is not currently known, but we hope by posting them that some might be identified. If you believe you can identify anyone, please email
Making the photographs available online is a work in progress. We encourage you to check periodically to see what new images have been added.
- Select a Gallery Album from the drop down box below OR by clicking on one of the the labeled boxes below.
- Within each Gallery Album, click on any thumbnail image to see a larger version of the image, any caption, and the image's MGS inventory number.
- When viewing the larger version of an image and its caption, you'll see two yellow boxes in the upper right corner. Click the left box if you want to print the image and caption.
- To return to a previous screen, you can use the arrow button to the right above the images or your browser's back button.
Images: 1 to 5 of 5