Genealogy Resources and Repositories Below are categories of links to key genealogy resources and repositories, with a particular emphasis on Maryland.
Listings: 1 to 12 of 12
In Maryland, we are fortunate that portions of 18th-century tax lists for several counties are available. These have been transcribed by Karen Walker, who has generously donated her transcriptions to the Maryland Genealogical Society. Transcripts of lists for the following nine counties are available: Anne Arundel, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Kent, Prince George's, St. Mary's, and Talbot.
The ongoing Maryland State Archives publication series, Archives of Maryland Online, currently provides access to over 471,000 historical documents that form the constitutional, legal, legislative, judicial, and administrative basis of Maryland's government. Online access enables users to research such topics as Maryland's constitutions and constitutional conventions' proceedings, session laws, proceedings of the General Assembly, governors' papers, and military records.
Digital Maryland is a collaborative, statewide digital preservation program of the Enoch Pratt Free Library/Maryland State Library Resource Center. Users can search and explore historical and cultural documents, images, audio, and videos that record Maryland’s history. A variety of colonial-era material is represented, including the Hugh H. Young Collection of Colonial Maryland Papers.
Guide from the Enoch Pratt Free Library to resources and guidance for researching early Maryland history from the Colonial through the Antebellum periods.
Electronic Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Charles Carroll of Carrollton Family Papers 1651-1877.
In the 1940s, an effort was made to microfilm Maryland’s early records for preservation purposes. These are now available online.
The DAR Genealogical Records Committee Reports comprise one of the most unique parts of the DAR Library’s holdings. These reports include a wide variety of content including transcriptions of local probate, court and land records; Bible records; cemetery transcriptions; family genealogies and lineages; Revolutionary War service; and other genealogically significant types of records.
This publication of the Maryland Center for History and Culture (previously known as the Maryland Historical Society) includes many articles on colonial Maryland families and records. Issues from 1906-2019 are publicly available online.
This database includes census records for 1776 (Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Caroline, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Prince George's, Queen Anne, and Talbot Counties) and 1778 (Caroline, Charles, and Queen Anne's Counties).
A list of card indexes - most now online - to early Maryland records.
A searchable database of 325 probate inventories from the Chesapeake region of Maryland and Virginia for the period of 1740 to 1810.
Dr. Lois Green Carr’s biographical files of 17th and 18th century Marylanders. Information on more than 6,600 individuals is included.