1. The Maryland Genealogical Society solicits printed or electronic material.
2. All advertisements must meet the Society’s criteria for quality of design.
3. Advertisers must submit “camera ready” advertising material, preferably in an electronic format such as Adobe PDF, Word Publisher, PageMaker or similar. Please note that the resolution that appears in the Journal is directly related to the quality of the images submitted to us. Resolution for an image should be no less than 300 dpi. Advertisements that do not meet these production standards will necessarily result in poorer clarity when they appear in the final Journal print than would advertisements that adhere to these guidelines.
4. The standard page size for the Journal is 6” by 9”, with one-inch margins at the top and bottom and right and left margins of 0.9 inches each. Each page has a header and footer, which are 0.5 inches each. Thus the cut size is 4.2 inches wide by 7 inches high. An advertisement created in PDF format that meets these dimensions precisely can be incorporated directly into the Journal. Borders will separate ads, located on the same page, that are less than a full page.
5. The Society does not accept advertisements in the Journal for personal genealogy research.
6. The Society reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
7. Advertisers must provide full payment in advance for advertisements that the Society will accept.
8. The Society reviews and sets advertising rates on an annual basis.
Current rates are:
One issue
Three issues
Send check or money order and other material to: Maryland Genealogical Society, Attn: Advertising Editor, 610 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21201